I have been workshopping my latest WOW workshop for a few weeks and I'm Excited to offer a free class, Courtesy of my Patreon supporters, this coming Tuesday. I still have a few seats open. If you know a young person 6-12 that is interested in learning a few tricks, head over to www.trickybiz.com/wow to register for the "Infinity tube " class. 100% free and uses items from around the house. If you have taken the " Spaghetti Madness" class you'll love this!
"what is the infinity tube" you might ask?
In this 30 minute workshop your student will learn :
• How to See through a solid object
• How to make an object Levitate
• And Make cards Teleport!!
So..Tell a friend and sign up today!
And remember lets
Spread magic... not germs!